Sunday, August 30, 2009

Exciting times here!!

McKenzie took her first steps recently. Such fun! She is also really beginning to communicate with us. She still speaks her own gibberish language, but some of the sign language is starting to come through. McKenzie also sees her first day of daycare tomorrow. I'm sure we'll all be sick by the end of the week, but it'll be good for her. I guess that's it for now. Hope all is well.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's about time!

sorry for the delay in posting new pics, the new job has been keeping me very busy. here are some random shots from the last month

McKenzie went down for a nap halfway during her birthday party, so we opened her gifts afterwards. here she is surrounded by them

saying hi to oliver

a little birthday cupcake

taking out all the books on the bookshelves

the laundry basket can be so interesting?

who's in the mirror?

what a cutie


mckenzie helping me clean out some files.