Friday, January 16, 2009

6 months and a little bit.

Seeing the day to day developments can seem slow at times, but when I step back, I realize McKenzie is growing fast. She is sitting up on her own, standing up holding onto my fingers, eating solid foods, and jumping like crazy in her jumper. She is definitely becoming her own little person. Good times!

Look at her feet go

Looks a little like the money wheel on Price is Right

Thanks to Anna and Kevin for the walker. She isn't quite there, but will be soon. It's more like me pulling her around right now.


It just so happens we saw this dress in a Parenting magazine. Stylin'

yes?? may i help you?

finding time for her studies

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas shots!

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. We sure enjoyed ourselves in Austin this year. McKenzie finally got to meet her cousin, Kieran. Very cute together, I must say. I was over excited to get a new camera for Christmas this year, so I've obviously been taking more pictures than I've been posting. I'm almost up to 300 just since Christmas, but here are a few that I liked. Happy New Year to all.

always loves the car ride

a little solid food fun

us with our nephew Kieran

Aunt Krista


my friend Scott with McKenzie

a one time outfit for Christmas. cute though.


a very happy grandma

Uncle Scott with McKenzie.

Kieran is a cool dude

little miss cutie
